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Listed below are the publications referred to throughout the BG-BASE home page, as well as some other relevant publications.

Allkin, R. & R. White. A language for the definition and exchange of biological data sets. [TDWG has adopted this standard; it is a data definition language that can serve as a medium for defining transfer formats for use between databases with incompatible formats.]

Anon. Gray Herbarium Index of New World Plants (available on-line at http://www.herbaria.harvard.edu/Data/Gray/gray.html, or via email; address to: graycard@huh.harvard.edu; rules to follow: 1) omit signature at end of message; 2) each line must end in a semicolon (;); 3) enter three lines as follows: k=word; [where "word" is the family, genus, and/or species]; next line: r=your email address; next line: f=2; [format option (format 1 = terse, format 2 = complete)]

Anon. The Unicode standard. Version 1.0. (Vols. 1& 2) (ISO/IEC 10646) [A 16-bit coding system that covers 65,536 characters-enough to handle all characters in every human language.]

Anon. 1987. The International transfer format for botanic garden plant records. Plant Taxonomic Database Standards No. 1. Pittsburgh: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation) [A standard adopted by botanic gardens for recording and exchanging data on their living collections.]

Anon. 1990. World plant conservation bibliography. Compiled by Royal Botanic Gardens Kew & Threatened Plants Unit, World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Cambridge: World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 645 pp. ISBN 0 947643 24 9. [A listing of some 10,000 plant conservation references now managed by WCMC using BG-BASE's DS table.]

Argent, G., G. Fairweather & K.S. Walter. 1996. Accepted names in Rhododendron Section Vireya. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden. 39 pp. ISBN 1-872291-56-2. [A listing generated by BG-BASE at RBGE; see also Chamberlain, et al., 1996.]

Arnold Arboretum. 1992. Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. Inventory of living collections. Jamaica Plain: Arnold Arboretum. 171 pp. Illust. ISBN 1-878297-02-3. [A listing of one of the world's best documented collections of living plants, generated by BG-BASE as camera-ready copy.]

Atkinson, P.J., M. Maunder & K.S. Walter. 1995. A reference list for plant re-introductions, recovery plans and restoration programs. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, IUCN/SSC Re-Introduction Specialist Group & World Conservation Monitoring Centre. [A listing generated by BG-BASE at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.]

Bisby, F.A. 1994. Plant names in botanical databases. Plant Taxonomic Database Standards No. 3. Pittsburgh: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. 30 pp. [Description for the fields necessary to record plant names unambiguously.]

Brickell, C.D., B.R. Baum, W.L.A. Hetterscheid, A.C. Leslie, J. McNeill, P. Trehane, F. Vrugtman, J.H. Wiersema (eds.) 2004. International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. IUBS Commission Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants. Edinburgh (UK), Toronto (Canada). ISBN 9066055278 [The many, often strange, rules applicable to the nomenclature of cultivated plants are set out here; BG-BASE has been modified to take these into account, along with the rules of the Botanical Code.]

Bridson, G.D.R. & E.R. Smith. 1991. Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum/Supplementum. Pittsburgh: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. 1068 pp. [Abbreviations for titles of periodicals. To be used in conjunction with Lawrence G.H.M., et al. eds. 1968. Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum. Pittsburgh: Hunt Botanical Library. 1063 pp.]

Brumback, W.E, L.J. Mehrhoff, et al. 1996. Flora Conservanda: New England. The New England Plant Conservation Program (NEPCoP) list of plants in need of conservation. Rhodora 98:895):233-361. [A listing of regionally threatened plants, generated via BG-BASE.]

Brummitt, R.K. (comp.). 1992. Vascular plant families and genera. A listing of the genera of vascular plants of the world according to their families, as recognised in the Kew Herbarium, with an analysis of relationships of the flowering plant families according to eight systems of classification. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. 804 pp. ISBN 0-947643-43-5. [A de facto standard list of families and genera, as used at Kew; these and other families and genera can be included as part of BG-BASE installations if so desired.]

Brummitt, R.K. & C.E. Powell. (eds.). 1992. Authors of plant names. A list of authors of scientific names of plants, with recommended standard forms of their names, including abbreviations. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens. 732 pp. ISBN 0-947643-44-3 [Names and abbreviations for authors of botanical names; with prior arrangement with Kew, these can be included as part of BG-BASE installations if an institution receives permission from Kew.]

Chamberlain, D.F. & C.G.C. Argent. 1997. The 1998 Rhododendron handbook. Wisley: Royal Horticultural Society. 352 pp. Col. illus. ISBN 1-874431-63-9. [Classification of Rhododendron, synonymy, temperate and tropical rhododendrons, collector numbers, glossary.]

Chamberlain, D., R. Hyam,, G. Argent, G. Fairweather & K.S. Walter. 1996. The genus Rhododendron. Its classification and synonymy. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden. 181 pp. ISBN 1-872291-66-X. [A fully synonymized listing of Rhododendron names including all known wild-occurring species and infra-specific taxa (cultivars are excluded), including world distributions to BRU level 4; listed alphabetically, taxonomically and by BRU; also includes all taxa in the living collections of RBGE; produced from BG-BASE via an RTF interface by RBGE; see also Argent et al., 1996.]

Conn, B. (ed.). 1996. HISPID3. Herbarium information standards and protocols for interchange of data. Version Three. Sydney: Royal Botanic Gardens. 126 pp. ISBN 0-7310-9629-0. [A widely adopted standard method of storing herbarium specimen information in Australian herbaria.]

Cook, F.E.M. 1995. Economic botany data collection standard. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 146 pp. ISBN 0 947643 71 0 [A system for standardizing descriptors and terms for uses of plants.]

Cronquist, A. 1981. An integrated system of classification of flowering plants. New York: Columbia University Press. 1262 pp. Illus. [A classic work dealing with all angiosperms; the Cronquistian orders ship as part of BG-BASE.]

Dallwitz, M.J., T.A. Paine & E.J. Zurcher. 1993. DELTA user's guide. A general system of processing taxonomic descriptions. Fourth ed., Canberra: CSIRO Division of Entomology. 136 pp. ISBN 0 643 05196 1. [TDWG has endorsed the DELTA format for recording and exchanging descriptive data; several suites of identification and description-writing programs use this format; BG-BASE can store and output DELTA files.]

Gillett et al., 1996. Plant occurrence and status scheme. Plant Taxonomic Database Standards No. xx. [A system for coding presence/absence, introduced/non-introduced status of a plant in a place]

Govier, R.J., K.S. Walter, D. Chamberlain, M. Gardner, P. Thomas, C. Alexander, H.S. Maxwell & M.F. Watson. 2001. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Catalogue of plants. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden. 594 pp. (col. illus.) [RBGE's 24th catalogue of its living collections (the first published in 1683). Produced directly from BG-BASE and listing 66,532 plants in 41,331 accessions in 20,390 taxa.]

Greuter, W., J. McNeill, F. R. Barrie, H.-M. Burdet, V. Demoulin, T. S. Filgueras, D.H. Nicolson, P.C. Silva, J.E. Skog, P. Trehane, N.J. Turland, D. L. Hawsworth (eds.). 2000. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (St Louis Code). Regnum Vegetabile 138. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein. ISBN 3-904144-22-7

Hollis, S & R.K. Brummitt. 1992. World geographical scheme for recording plant distributions. Plant Taxonomic Database Standards No. 2. Pittsburgh: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation [A system employing a 4-tier hierarchy of ca 1000 geographical units for recording plant distributions; all BRUs are included as part of BG-BASE installations.]

Holden Arboretum. 2003. The Holden Arboretum. 2003 catalog of plants. 832 pp. [A listing of one the world's largest arboretum (3,000+ acres), generated by BG-BASE.]

Holmgren, P.K., N. Holmgren & L.C. Barnett. 1990. Index herbariorum. Part 1. The herbaria of the world. Eighth ed. Bronx, NY: New York Botanical Garden. 693 pp. ISBN 0-89327-358-9. [The standard method of citing where herbarium specimens are deposited.]

ISO. 1988, with amendments. Codes for the representation of names of countries. ISO 3166. [Most institutions use the 2-letter, not the 3-letter codes; BG-BASE ships with all ISO countries, including both 2- and 3-letter codes.]

IUCN Species Survival Commission. 1994. IUCN Red List Categories. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 21 pp. [Categories of endangerment along with the criteria used to make the assessments; recent changes to BG-BASE now allow users to track both these "new" IUCN categories as well as the "old" categories.]

Lord, T. (ed.). 1997. The RHS plant finder. 1997-98. 70,000 plants and where to buy them. London: Dorling Kindersley. 918, xxvi pp. ISBN 0 7573 0306 2; ISSN 0961-2599. [A remarkable compilation of what plants are available in the UK nursery trade; produced from BG-BASE via an RTF interface by the Royal Horticultural Society.]

O'Neal M.J., K.S. Walter. 2000. Update: BG-BASE - a tool for the 21st century. The Public Garden 15(4):21-25.

Skou, P.T. 2000. A suggestion to an alternative organisational structure in the Botanic Garden, University of Copenhagen. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Section of Economy, Denmark, 29pp.

Skou, P.T. 2000. The implementation of BG-BASE in the Botanic Garden, University of Copenhagen. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Department of Agricultural Science, Section of Horticulture, Denmark, 144pp

Stafleu, F.A. & R.S. Cowan. 1976 & seq.Taxonomic literature. 2nd ed. Vols. 1-7. Utrecht: Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema) [Abbreviations for titles of books.]

Takhtajan, A. 1986. Floristic regions of the world. pp. vii-xiii. University of California Press. [A standard reference for floristic regions.]

Threatened Plants Committee Secretariat. 1972. How to Use the IUCN Red Data Book Categories. Threatened Plants Committee, Kew, UK. 9 pp. [A definition of the "old" IUCN categories; these, along with the "new" categories, are fully built into BG-BASE.]

University of Oxford. 1999. A catalogue of plants growing in the University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Harcourt Aboretum. Oxford, UK: University of Oxford. 203 pp. [A complete listing of plants growing in this, the oldest botanic garden in the United Kingdom. Also includes a facsimile of Oxford's1648 Catalogue.]

Vargas, R.I. & K.G. Shawe. 1997. The Belize Forest Department Herbarium - An analysis of the collections held. Occasional Series 14 of The Forest Planning and Management Project. Belmopan: Ministry of Natural Resources. [An example of a tropical herbarium now virtually completely computerized using BG-BASE, including data imported from other herbaria such as The New York Botanical Garden.]

Walter, K.S. 1989. Designing a computer-software application to meet the plant-record needs of the Arnold Arboretum. Arnoldia 49(1):42-53. [The first publication dealing with the early development of BG-BASE.]

Walter, K.S. 1991. Computerized plant record systems for botanic gardens. pp. 335-336 in Tropical Botanic Gardens, ed. V.H. Heywood & P.S. Wyse Jackson, London: Academic Press. [A short note concerning plant records issues.]

Walter, K.S. & M.J. O'Neal. 1993. BG-BASE: software for botanical gardens and arboreta. The Public Garden 8(4):21-22,34-35. [Following from the Arnoldia article, this chronicles further developments in BG-BASE.]

Walter, K.S., M. Watson & D. Chamberlain. 1995. Chinese plants at the RBG Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden. xxi, 334 pp. [A complete listing of all wild-origin Chinese material grown at RBGE (5,264 accessions, 2,264 taxa); produced as camera-ready copy from BG-BASE for the Flora of China Editorial Committee.]

Walter, K.S., D.F. Chamberlain, M.F. Gardner, R.J.D. McBeath, H.J. Noltie & P. Thomas. 1995. Catalogue of Plants. 1995. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden. 477 pp. ISBN 1-872-291-46-5. [A camera-ready output from BG-BASE listing the 39,930 accessions (21,578 taxa) grown at RBGE.]

Walter, K.S. 1996a. Standards of documentation in botanic gardens; pp. 119-123 in Standardization in Plant Genetic Resources Documentation. Report of the Second Technical Meeting of Focal Points for Documentation in East European Genebanks, ed. Th.J.L. van Hintum, M.W.M. Jongen & Th. Hanzekamp. [A listing of the relevant data management standards widely used within the botanic garden community.]

Walter, K.S. 1996b. Guide to the information technology resources at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 35 pp. [Information on IT systems - hardware & software - and databases such as BG-BASE used at RBGE.]

Walter, K.S. 1997. Review of Index Kewensis on CD ROM, version 2. The New Plantsman 4(2):128. [A review of what is good (general coverage) and what is bad (price, data inconsistencies) about the CD version of IK v.2.]

Walter, K.S. & H.J. Gillett. (eds.) 1998. 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. Compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK: IUCN. lxiv, 862 pp.. ISBN 2-8317-0328-X. [The first-ever listing of globally threatened or extinct plants, some 33,798 taxa, along with conservation status in every BRU in which they occur as well as the global conservation status and complete bibliography; produced by WCMC as camera-ready copy directly from BG-BASE; the contents of this book are available as a searchable database on the Web.]

Walter, K.S. & M.J. O'Neal (assisted by R.W. Cubey). 2000. The BG-BASE user's manual. Kirtland, OH: BG-BASE, Inc. 592 pp. (illus.) ISBN 1 872291 83 X ['The' standard reference for how to use BG-BASE.]

World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 1992. Global biodiversity: Status of the Earth's living resources. Chapman & Hall. 594 pp. [The "old" IUCN categories given on p. 234; there is also much extremely valuable information about plants and animals in this book produced for the Earth Summit in Rio.]

Wyse Jackson, D., C. Hobson, B. Conn, R. Piacentini, S. Waldren, C. Ward. 1998. UNPUBLISHED: International transfer format for botanic garden plant records. Version 2. Botanic Gardens Conservation International. 62pp.


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